SWARM - Rethinking Collaboration

Rethinking the concept of collaboration between students at SCAD with the aim of proposing an innovative experiential solution that encourages ‘collaboration’ at a more human-centered level and not just in a digital organizational way.

Skill set used:  Data collection and analysis, Observations, Primary and Secondary Research, Visual Communication, Visual Design, Prototyping, Conceptualization


Peers. Peers are important. They’re important, because who we are, has a lot to do with the people we surround ourselves with, especially, those we chose to work with. This is an innovation, for students. For SCAD students, who want a better way to know their peers, and to be able to work with them, get to know them, not only professionally, but also in a more personal, face to face sort of way. 


While collaboration spaces at work and on campus are becoming increasingly common and many apps are being developed to help foster collaboration, neither of these is enough. One of the biggest stumbling blocks for collaboration is trust among people who don’t know each other well and how they connect with each other on a human level.

But See this big empty space, with the white lines that says opportunity area? thats where SWARM lives.


SWARM is a new feature, on the SCAD app, that creates a platform that enables this REAL collaboration, that brings back the personal element in all these relationships we create and foster, whether work or play. Because how much of a group is a group, if the people in it have never even met each other?

Theres a cosy little empty spot, just waiting for SWARM on your SCAD apps.


  • Interface

  • Features

Finding people you want to actually be around, work together with, has never been easier. Getting to know your classmates has never been easier.

SWARM, to collaborate